
Clinics & Care

The practice nurses and community based staff run a range of clinics. For an appointment or further details, please call Ampleforth Surgery on 01439 788215.

Long Term Conditions

Conditions such as diabetes, asthma, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure are reviewed regularly; the practice nurses provide much of this care following national and local guidance and are supported by the doctors in the practice. Rather than only offering these clinics at a specific time you can book a review appointment with any of the practice nurses at a time convenient to you during any of the nurse clinics.

If you require a blood test these are done before 11am as the samples are usually collected at 11:30am.

Health Checks

Patients are advised to have a blood pressure check at least every 5 years.  We offer a screening appointment with the practice nurse. This includes measuring blood pressure and weight, urine testing and lifestyle advice. Patients aged 16-74 are advised to have a health check every 5 years and patients over 75 years of age every year.

Young People

Young people can make an appointment for a health check with the practice nurse. The free health check will cover a variety of issues and you can ask them anything about your health and they will be able to help you or guide you to further help.

The doctors and nurses at this surgery talk about safer sex in appointments with young people aged 15 – 24 and as part of the Governments Public Health campaign we promote regular screening for chlamydia for this age group. Free condoms are available easily and discreetly by making an appointment with a doctor or nurse and they will explain the system. Useful information can be found on

Minor Surgery

The doctors can perform minor surgical procedures; your doctor will advise you if this is necessary and an appointment will be made at Ampleforth Surgery.

Stop Smoking Service

We would always advise you to stop smoking.  Stop smoking advice and support is available from smokefreelife North Yorkshire on 0800 2465215 or 01609 663023, or by texting QUIT to 66777.


This clinic is run by the midwives based in Ryedale on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm. If you become pregnant, you will be given a ‘booking appointment’ from 9 weeks at which the midwife will ask you a few questions and carry out some general health checks. You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy either at the practice or at the local hospital, or both.


Our physiotherapist works in practices across Ryedale and is based in Ampleforth Surgery one day a week. Your doctor will refer you to the physiotherapist if necessary, who works closely with the GPs and the Physiotherapy team across Ryedale. 

Child Health & Immunisation

Times arranged individually with each patient. All new babies are invited for regular check-ups from eight weeks old.